info @ KVK DK
Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI)
Agri-Input Dealers in the country are a prime source of farm information to the farming community, besides the supply of inputs and credit. However, majority of these dealers do not have formal agricultural education. In order to build their technical competency in agriculture and to facilitate them to serve the farmers better and to act as para – extension professionals, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) has launched a self-financed “One-year Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI) Program” during the year 2003 with a course fee of Rs.20, 000/- to the input dealers. Due to positive impact of the program, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India has decided to implement this program for Input dealers in all the States of the country.
The program will be implemented by MANAGE through State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institutes (SAMETIs). The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation & Farmers' Welfare (DAC & FW), GoI, will subsidize the course fee (50%) to the extent of 10,000/- per Input dealer. However, where Agribusiness companies are involved, the company will contribute Rs.10, 000/- and the balance Rs.10, 000/- will be contributed equally by DAC and Input Dealer @ Rs.5000/- each.
The technical information is delivered through Contact Classes by Agricultural Experts & Practitioners at district level on Sundays or Market holidays for 48 days including field visits spread over a year. Details of program is available in the guidelines
DAESI NEWS LETTER 2019 - 2020 (click here to view)
In India, there are about 2.82 lakh practicing agri-input dealers, who are the prime source of farm information to the farming community. The first contact point for majority of farmers is the agri-input dealer. While purchasing different inputs required for farming operations, the farmer naturally tries to find out from the input dealer about the usage of inputs, both in terms of quality and quantity. However, most of these input dealers do not have formal agricultural education. If these input dealers can be shaped as para-extension professionals by providing requisite knowledge, they can professionalise extension services and contribute to bring a paradigm shift in Indian Agriculture. It is in this context, the National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management (MANAGE) had designed a one-year diploma course titled ‘Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI)’, which imparts relevant and location-specific agricultural education to equip these input dealers with sufficient knowledge to transform them into para-extension professionals so as to enable them to address the day-to-day problems being faced by the farmers at field level. MANAGE had launched DAESI program in the year 2003 and so far covered the practicing input dealers of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Orissa, Jharkhand, and West Bengal.
To transform practicing input dealers into para-extension professionals thereby strengthening the agricultural extension system so as to enable these input dealers to serve the farmers better.
- Orientation of input dealers on location-specific crop production technologies of broad-based agriculture with reference to field problems.
- Building the capacity of input dealers in efficient handling of Inputs.
- To impart knowledge about the laws governing regulation of agricultural Inputs.
- To make input dealers an effective source of farm information at the village level (one stop shop) for the farmers.
Report of Field visit
Report of DAESI field visits to National Horticultural Fair -2020, IIHR, Bengaluru, Bio- fuel park, Hassan and Progressive farmer Sakaleshpur, Chikmagalur on 07.02.2020 and 08.02.2020. The ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mangaluru is conducted Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers in coordination/cooperation with Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Samethi, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore and National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, Hyderabad.
As part of the program the field visit was arranged to National Horticultural Fair -2020, IIHR, Bangaluru were demo units and stalls were arranged to show case the technologies useful for the farming community. As we entered the ground DAESI Coordinator registered the batch and we started the visit by visiting stalls of Departments, Universities and Different Nurseries.
We visited demo units of Yard Long Bean, Bhendi, Pumpkin, Dolicus Bean, French Bean, Coriander, Onion, Palak, Amaranthus and Water melon our Scientist Dr. Rashmi.R explained about the varieties in the demo units. We also visited protected cultivation unit of coloured capsicum, protected cultivation unit of cucumber with different dose of fertigation system.
We visited floriculture demo blocks of China Aster, Gladiolus, Rose, Tuberose and Crossandra. Later on visited the dragon fruit unit were the training system of dragon fruit plants were demonstrated and then had the lunch at the mela.
On 08.02.20 morning we started our journey at 6.00 AM from Bangaluru to Bio Fuel Park Hassan. At 12.00 PM we reached Hassan we were welcomed by Dr. H.B. Raghu, (Forest &Environment Science), he explained different aspect of their institute, later visited Model Biodiesel Production Unit, Information & Demonstration Center on Biofuels, UAS, Bangaluru, were Manje Gowda (Technical Assistant) Explained how the seed of Neem, Honge, Jatropha, Simaroba are crushed in a machine, later the crushed seeds are put in a machine were oil and cake are produced. The oil which is produced is stored in container so that the particle get settled, these oil are then strained after 10-15 days and used for packing.
Later we came to the main office and sir played a video clip which explained how bio fuel park came to existence and how it can help in the coming future. Sir also explained how biofuel is obtained from recently dead biological material. It may be derived from plants, animals and microorganisms. Biodiesel, Bioethanol, Biogas and Crude form of Glycerin can be obtained from the oil extracted from the seeds of pongamia, neem, jatropha, Hippe, Simaroba, Honge, Rubber, Amoora, Surahonne and many other species of trees which do not need more water to survive and can be grown in waste land which can be used for human being to survive. Later we had our lunch at Girls Hostel, College of Agriculture, Hassan.
Field visit to Krishi Mela Bramhavar on 19-10-19
ICAR-KVK, Mangaluru is organizing Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for input Dealers in coordination with KVAFSU, Bidar, SAMETHI, UAS, Bengaluru and MANAGE, Hyderabad. In this DAESI programme we had organizing field visit to Krishi Mela Bramhavar, all the students assembled near ICAR-KVK, Mangaluru, after taking the attendance we started our journey to Krishi mela. As we entered DAESI Facilitator, Smt. Vijetha registered our group.
First we visited KVK- Bramhavar stall were different varieties of Paddy, Arecanut, Coconut, Banana fruits, Banana sward suckers, Cashew, different insects were kept in order to know the harmful and useful insect, Pheromone traps, Meteorological study units and there was a small integrated Farming unit showcasing unit for zone 10 this was explained by Dr. Sachin (Entomology) Scientist. Different Specimens of microorganism like Tricoderma, Fungi, Azatobactor, PSB, Actinomycetes were also kept for observation.
We visited jasmine demo unit, vegetable demo unit, Poultry units and Nursery units of KVK , later visited stalls which showcased different company seeds, machineries, Tissue culture plants of Banana, ICAR-KVK, Mangaluru stall and then sat near discussion area to know improved technology by scientist and progressive farmers.
Field visit to AHRS, Ullal- 23-11-2019
ICAR-KVK, Mangaluru is organizing Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for input Dealers in coordination with KVAFSU, Bidar, SAMETHI, UAS, Bengaluru and MANAGE, Hyderabad. As part of this programme we had organized field visit to AHRS, Ullal, all the students assembled near ICAR-KVK, Mangaluru, after taking the attendance we started our journey by bus to AHRS, Ullal. Dr. Laxmana welcome our students to the seminar hall and explained about the different varieties of cashew, processing of cashew apple and how to rejuvenate the old plants. Later on we visited the orchard were Mrs. Mahesh Math (Entomology) explained us various aspect of cashew varietal behavior, intercropping of yam, turmeric, hippeli and bush pepper in cashew orchard. Demonstrated how pheromone traps works in field.
Visited to coconut, cashew, mango, hippeli as root stalk and cashew nursery, also showed live demonstration of extraction of shoot borer in cashew trees. Later we assembled in seminar hall and Mahesh Math sir explained the pest and disease affecting the cashew trees.
Visited National Horticultural Fair IIHR Bangalore |
Visited National Horticultural Fair IIHR Bangalore Cow pea |
Visit to Biofuel Park Hassan by DAESI Students |
Visit to Coffee Processing unit by DAESI Students |
Pheromon Trap Demonstration |
Demonstration of shoot_borer |
Convacation of II-batch DAESI Students |
Field vist conducted by Mr. Mahesh Math |
Visiting Intercropping in Cashew orchard |
Visiting Nursery at AHRS Ullal |
Visited Krishi Mela Brahmavar KVK- Brahmavar Stall |
DAESI students visiting Entomology unit |
Group Photo at Krishi Mela KVK - Bramhavar |
National Horticultural Fair 2020 group photo |
Visited a progressive farmer at Sakaleshpur |
Visited demo unit |
Visited demo unit of vegetables |
Visited demo unit of Jasmine at KVK-Bramhavar |
Visited Bio fuelpark Hassan |
Visited floriculture demo unit |
Visited Progressive farmer |
Visited floriculture unit |
Visited puoltry unit at KVK Bramhavar |
Visited stall at NHF - 2020 |