info @ KVK DK
Technology Showcasing Unit
This was established during 2020 to provide a single window delivery system for the products and services to the farmers and other interested groups as a process of innovativeness in technology dissemination. To facilitate direct access of the farmers to the institutional resources available in terms of technology advice, technology products etc., for reducing technology dissemination losses and also to provide mechanism for feedback from the users to the Institute scientist
Farm Advisory Services
Centre provides farm advisory services to the visiting farmers, farm women and rural youths. The centre receives large number of queries from farmers over telephone,whatsapp,email and other social media. The queries of farmers are attended by respective scientists and accordingly provided on time solutions for various problems.
What can we find in Technology Showcasing unit right now?
- Display of technological products such as seeds, planting materials, poultry strains, livestock breeds,fish seeds, fish feeds, FPO processed products developed from the Farmers Producer Organisations for sale, testing and adoption
- Display of extension literatures, posters and Video CDs on agriculture technologies
- Mini Soil and Water Testing Kit
- Farm Implements (Cono Weeders) for drudgery reduction in agriculture
- Meeting Hall for organising group discussion,brainstorm session etc.